

商学研究科 商学専攻 修士課程2 年(2020 年度現在)
林 潤也



商学研究科 商学専攻 博士課程3 年(2020 年度現在)
岩澤 佳太

Experience the difference being successful Taxman by studying at Keio

商学研究科 世界銀行プログラム 修士課程2年(2016年度現在)
Tashi Wangchuk

  The 21st century, where most of the developing countries are struggling with variety of issues like slow growth, high debt and financial crises impact from developed neighboring country, the importance are emerging for the developing countries to equip with necessary tools to brawl back such issues which can be possible only through nurturing the tax officials with the relevant education. It is also widely known that there is no limit in learning and developing oneself towards contribution to the nation for making what ones are. If one is helping the country towards achieving the self sufficiency goal by means of working as a Taxman in one’s own country, I would not hesitate to articulate that, such persons should experienced the difference of studying M.A. in Taxation Policy and Management at Keio University under Joint Japan World Bang Graduate Scholarship Program.  I am pretty much sure that the module offered at Keio will definitely going to make difference in the taxation policy of the developing countries in future to improve the tax reforms and to tackle the future taxation issues. Firstly, the Keio University being one of the oldest and reputed Universities in Japan as well as in the global context, it offers varieties of classes related to the taxation policies, public finance and economic policies. Of which the in-depth class on taxation policies tremendously enlightens the students on the boarder global taxation perspectives through presentations, seminars and discussion with the highly intellect professors and the class mates besides having well equipped modern learning facilities at Keio. During the course of study, the students are mandatory to read numbers of past research papers on the taxation policy of the both developed and developing countries which further strengthens with the knowledge of various tax issues and the related measures which would be obliging after going back to one’s own country.
 Secondly, the practicum at the National Tax Agency further broadens the knowledge on Japanese taxation systems and the international taxation issues especially transfer pricing and the tax treaty negotiation. Japan, at times had both brightness and gloomy period in terms of economic growth and was supported by the numbers of economic and taxation reforms, so the participants gets the opportunity to gain knowledge about the different taxation policies adopted currently and during those periods. Further the thesis which needs to be submitted for fulfillment of the Graduate course at the end of second year of course work will be the outcome, where the students have to state or identify the current taxation issues/problems faced in home country and hunt for the ideal taxation solution based on the findings and analysis which would ultimately help the home country in the taxation development. Last but not the least; the scholar will get the opportunity to know more about the Japan’s unique culture and the upright mental development which is one of the unique that Japan has.

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