The field of Management & Organization offers courses for identifying and resolving problems that corporations face from various theoretical perspectives. Examples of problems include but are not limited to organizational designs and structures, corporate governance, organizational culture, business ethics, corporations’ social responsibilities and evaluations of good corporate citizenships, for which we build theoretical arguments and conduct empirical analyses. Moreover, some courses present opportunities to discuss the historical development of management studies and managers` “philosophies” from the theoretical and methodological stand points. Throughout these opportunities, students will be able to learn theories about management and organizations and develop various analytical perspectives for understanding and resolving complicated management problems in rapidly-changing globalized societies.
Lecturer | Field | Publications |
Professor Daisuke Okamoto |
Managemetrics Corporate Appraisal |
Revisiting Japanese Management (with Y.Furukawa, Y.Sato, & S.Baba, Chikura Publishing Co., Ltd., 2012) |
Professor Kengo Sakakibara |
History of Business Management Theory Business Management Methodology |
”A Methodological Discussion (検討) on Mixed Methods Research (混合研究法) in the Field of Business Management – A Discussion Surrounding the German Economics of Management” (Mita Business Review, 56-6, 2014). |
Professor Kenshu Kikuzawa |
Business Management The Economics of Strategy and Organization |
“The Absurdity (不条理) of an Organization” (Diamond, Inc., 2000) |
Professor Yamato Sato |
'Manage-metrics': Organizational Culture and Empirical Study of East Asian Business Administration |
“Revisiting Japanese Management”(Co-Authored, Chikura Publishing Co.,Ltd., 2012) |
Professor Kazuhiro Taniguchi |
Comparative Institutional Analysis Management Strategy Theory Corporations and Sustainability |
“Strategy and Pragmatism (Jitsugaku)” (NTT Publishing, Co., Ltd., 2006) |
Professor Tatsuo Ushijima |
Management Strategy The Economics of Corporations |
“Capturing Management Strategy.” (Co-Authored, Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd., 2010) Patent rights protection and Japanese foreign direct investment”, Research Policy 42, 738-748, 2013、“Understanding partial mergers in Japan”, Journal of Banking and Finance 34, 2941-2953, 2010 |
Professor Kazuo Kambe |
Management Information Theory |
“Using Open Source Software and Developing an Information System for a Corporation.” (Mita Business Review 56-6, 2014) |
Professor Mitsuhiro Umezu |
Corporate Ethics Corporate Social Policy Theory Applied Ethics |
Paternalism in Japanese Business Ethics (UMI Press,1999) |
Professor Chie Iguchi |
International Management Theory Global Innovation Theory |
“Global Innovation and R&D for Knowledge Creation: The Case of P&G, Unilever and Kao”(with T.Hayashi and A. Nakayama), in P. Ström, H. Dolles, C. and R. Middel (eds) Asian Inward and Outward FDI: New Challenges in the Global Economy, Palgrave, 2014 “Globalisation of R&D by TNC subsidiaries: the case of South East Asian Countries”, Asian Business and Management , 2012 “Determinants of Backward Linkages: The Case of TNC Subsidiaries in Malaysia”, Asian Business and Management, 2008 |