ヤブ トモヨシ 藪 友 良 教 授 【Webページ】 【ゼミページ】
〔著書〕 1.『入門 実践する計量経済学』東洋経済新報社,2023年 2.『入門 実践する統計学』東洋経済新報社,2012年 〔論文〕 3."The Demand for Money at the Zero Interest Rate Bound" (with T. Watanabe) Journal of Applied Econometrics 38, 968-976, 2023. 4."Japanese Foreign Exchange Interventions, 1971-2018: Estimating a Reaction Function Using the Best Proxy” (with T. Ito) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 58, Article 101106, 2020. 5.“Testing for Flexible Nonlinear Trends with an Integrated or Stationary Noise Component” (with P. Perron, M. Shintani) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 79, 822–850, 2017. 6.“A new method for identifying the effects of foreign exchange interventions” (with C Chen, T. Watanabe) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44, 1507-1533, 2012. 7.“Spurious regressions in technical trading” (with M. Shintani, D. Nagakura) Journal of Econometrics 169, 301-309, 2012. 8.“Testing for shifts in trend with an integrated or stationary noise component”(with P. Perron) Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 27, 369-396, 2009. 9.“Estimating deterministic trends with an integrated or stationary noise component”(with P. Perron) Journal of Econometrics 51, 56-69, 2009. 10."What prompts Japan to intervene in the Forex market? A new approach to a reaction function" (with T. Ito) Journal of International Money and Finance 26, 193-212, 2007. 所属学会・団体: American Economic Association,日本経済学会 海外歴: 2000─2005年 ボストン大学経済学部 博士課程 2014─2016年 ボストン大学経済学部 客員研究員 |