Keio University has produced the largest number of students who have passed the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) examination. (Please see for further information.)
The Faculty of Business and Commerce provides support to students who are planning to be a CPA or a Certified Tax Accountant. Over 200 of our students have passed the aforementioned examination in recent years. We have been the top university in this respect for 41 consecutive years (as of 2015) and are proud of the fact that 15-20% of those who have successfully passed this examination are either students or graduates of our university. Currently, there are more than 4,000 CPAs and Certified Tax Accountants from Keio University, and it should be mentioned that the graduates of the Faculty of Business and Commerce have special distinction in this elite rank. The recent trend indicates that more of our graduates have been choosing diverse career paths. Some have pursued careers in journalism, the information industry and in government and municipal offices.
Rank | University | Number of Persons |
1 | Keio University | 251 |
2 | Waseda University | 221 |
3 | Chuo University | 152 |
4 | Meiji University | 98 |
5 | The University of Tokyo | 67 |
6 | Doshisha University | 62 |
7 | Ritsumeikan University | 57 |
8 | Kobe University | 49 |
9 | Kwansei Gakuin University | 46 |
10 | Kyoto University | 45名 |
*Source: Survey of Certified Public Accountants, Mitakai. This figure is a total of those with undergraduate and graduate school degrees. If the Keio undergraduate student is enrolled in a graduate school other than that of Keio University, they are counted as a graduate school student and hence not included in our figure, making our total 271.
Employment Status: 2015 Graduates of the Faculty of Business and Commerce
(Statistics Based on Official Notifications from Students as of April 30, 2016)
20 | 東京海上日動火災保険 |
みずほフィナンシャルグループ | |
11 | 三井住友海上火災保険 |
10 | NTT データ |
ゆうちょ銀行 | |
9 | 第一生命保険 |
三菱東京UFJ 銀行 | |
明治安田生命保険 | |
8 | 静岡銀行 |
トーマツ | |
日本生命保険 | |
富士通 | |
7 | 三菱UFJ 信託銀行 |
あずさ監査法人 |
7 | 住友信託銀行 |
野村證券 | |
三井住友銀行 | |
6 | かんぽ生命保険 |
商工組合中央金庫 | |
住友生命保険 | |
東京電力 | |
福岡銀行 | |
5 | アクセンチュア |
伊藤忠商事 | |
サントリーホールディングス | |
損害保険ジャパン | |
大和証券 | |
東京都 |
5 | 日本興亜損害保険 |
日立製作所 | |
丸紅 | |
ユニクロ | |
4 | 資生堂 |
清水建設 | |
武田薬品工業 | |
中央三井トラスト・グループ | |
電通 | |
日本放送協会 | |
東日本電信電話 | |
富士ゼロックス | |
他、4 名就職した企業11 社 |
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