慶應義塾大学 商学部・商学研究科

新保一成 研究室


Consumer Expenditure 2004-2005: The NSS 61th round, Schedule 1.0


Table nameDescription
Common items Identification of sample household and multipliers
nss61ce_level1 Identification of sample household, particulars of field operations and perception of household regarding sufficiency of food
nss61ce_level2 Household characteristics - 1
nss61ce_level3 Household characteristics - 2
nss61ce_level4 Demographic and other particulars of household members
nss61ce_level5 Consumption of food, pan, tobacco,intoxicants andfuel & light during the last 30 days. Commodity code: 101 - 359.
nss61ce_level6 Consumption of clothing, bedding, etc. Commodity code: 360 - 399.
nss61ce_level7 Expenditure on education and medical(institutional) goods and services. Commodity code: 400 - 419.
nss61ce_level8 Expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes during the last 30 days. Commodity code: 420 - 549.
nss61ce_level9 Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use. Commodity code: 550 - 659.
NSSIO NSS commodities are regrouped into IOTT 2003-04 classification. Regrouping has done by rural and urban area. These are big matrices with household by IO commodity dimension. Also households' attributes obtained by the level 2, 3 and 4 file above are attached.

Common items

Identification of sample household and multipliers

idint Primary key
hhdidchar(9) Household id
roundchar(2) Round number, '61'.
schedulechar(3) Schedule number, '010'.
sampletinyint unsigned 1: central, 2: state
sectinyint unsigned 1: rural, 2: urban
strgchar(3) State/region code(code table)
distchar(2) District code
strmchar(2) Straum
sstrmchar(2) Sub-straum
srtinyint unsigned Sub-round
sstinyint unsigned Sub-sample
fodchar(4) FOD sub-region
nsstinyint unsigned Sub-sample-wise sample size
ncstinyint unsigned Combined sub-sample sample size
multsfloat Sub-sample-wise weight
cmbmultsfloat Combined sub-sample weight

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Identification of sample household, particulars of field operations and perception of household regarding sufficiency of food

infmntslntinyint unsigned Serial number of informant
responsetinyint unsigned Respond code. Informant is 1:co-operative and capable, 2: co-operative but not capable, 3: busy, 4: reluctant and 9: others.
svctinyint unsigned Survey code. 1: original, 2: substitute and 3: casualty
resubstinyint unsigned Reason for substitution of original household. Informant is 1: busy, 2: members away from home, 3: non-cooperative and 9:others.
date_surveydate Date of survey
date_dispatchdate Date of dispatch
time_canvasssmallint unsigned Total time taken to canvass schedule 1.0(in minutes)
enoughfoodtinyint unsigned Do all members of your household get enough food every day? Yes, 1: every month of the year and 2: some months of the year. No, 3: no month of the year.
mnth1tinyint unsigned If code is 2 in the above question, during which calendar months did any member of the household not get enough food every day? 1: Jan, 2: Feb, 3: Mar, 4: Apr, 5: May, 6: Jun, 7: Jul, 8: Aug, 9: Sep, 10: Oct, 11: Nov, 12: Dec.
mnth2tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth3tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth4tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth5tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth6tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth7tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth8tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth9tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth10tinyint unsigned ditto
mnth11tinyint unsigned ditto
ifasktinyint unsigned Whether information on item 1 was actually obtained from the informant? 1: yes, 2: no.

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Household characteristics - 1

hhdsztinyint unsigned Household size
nicchar(5) Principle industry. NIC-1998 5-digit code.
ncochar(3) Principle occupation. NCO-1968 3-digit code.
hhdtp tinyint unsigned Household type. For rural areas, 1: self-employed in non-agriculture, 2: agricultural labour, 3: other labour, 4: self-employed in agriculture, 9: others. For urban areas, 1: self-employed, 2: regular wage/salary earning, 3: casual labour, 9: others.
rlgntinyint unsigned Religion. 1: Hinduism, 2: Islam, 3: Christianity, 4: Sikhism, 5: Jainism, 6: Buddhism, 7: Zoroastrianism, 9: others.
sgrptinyint unsigned Social group. 1: scheduled tribe, 2: scheduled caste, 3: other backward class, 9: others.
ifownlandtinyint unsigned Whether owns any land? 1: yes, 2: no.
tpownlandtinyint unsigned If yes, type of land owned. 1: homestead only, 2: homestead and other land, 3: other land only.
land_ownfloat Land owned and possessed as on the date of survey in 0.000 hectares.
land_lsinfloat Land leased-in as on the date of survey in 0.000 hectares.
land_jstusefloat Land neither owned nor leased-in as on the date of survey in 0.000 hectares.
land_lsoutfloat Land leased-out as on the date of survey in 0.000 hectares.
landpsfloat Total land possesed. land_own + land_lsin + land_jstuse + land_lsout.
land_cultfloat Land cultivated in 0.000 hectares during July 2003 to June 2004.
land_irrgfloat Land irrigated in 0.000 hectares during July 2003 to June 2004.

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Household characteristics - 2

dwellingtinyint unsigned Dwelling unit code. 1: owned, 2: hired, 3: no dwelling unit, 9: others-9.
cookingtinyint unsigned Primary source of energy for cooking. 1: coke, coal, 2: firewood and chips, 3: LPG, 4: gobar gas, 5: dung cake, 6: charcoal, 7: kerosene, 8: electricity, 9: others, 10: no cooking arrangement.
lightingtinyint unsigned Primary source of energy for lighting. 1: kerosene, 2: other oil, 3: gas, 4: candle, 5: electricity, 9: others, 6: lighting arrangement.
ifsalarytinyint unsigned Is any member of the household a regular salary earner? 1: yes, 2: no.
ifrationtinyint unsigned Does the household possess ration card? 1: yes, 2: no.
tprationtinyint unsigned If yes, type of ration card. 1: Antodaya, 2: BPL, 3:others.
if_food_worktinyint unsigned During the last 365 days whether any member of the household is a beneficiary of food for work? 1: yes, 2: no.
if_annapoornatinyint unsigned During the last 365 days whether any member of the household is a beneficiary of annapoorna? 1: yes, 2: no.
if_icdstinyint unsigned During the last 365 days whether any member of the household is a beneficiary of ICDS? 1: yes, 2: no.
if_midday_mealtinyint unsigned During the last 365 days whether any member of the household is a beneficiary of midday meal? 1: yes, 2: no.
if_ceremonytinyint unsigned Did the household perform any ceremony during the last 30 days? 1: yes, 2: no.
serve_mealsmallint unsigned No. of meals served to non-household members during the last 30 days.
mpce30float Monthly expenditure in 30 days Rs. 0.00. Be careful it is not per capita expenditure.
mpce365float Monthly expenditure in 365 days Rs. 0.00. Be careful is is not per capita expenditure.

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Demographic and other particulars of household members

perslntinyint unsigned Personal serial number.
relattinyint unsigned Relation to head. 1: self, 2: spouse of head, 3: married child, 4: spouse of married child, 5: unmarried child, 6: grandchild, 7: father/mother/father-in-law/mother-in-law, 8: brother/sister/brother-in-law/sister-in-law/other relatives, 9: servants/employees/other non-relatives.
sextinyint unsigned Sex. 1: male, 2: femail.
agetinyint unsigned Age in years.
marstatinyint unsigned Marital status. 1: never married, 2: currently married, 3: widowed, 4: divorced/separated.
educntinyint unsigned General educational level. 1: not literate, 2: literate without formal schooling, 3: literate but below primary, 4: primary, 5: middle, 6: secondary, 7: higher secondary, 8: diploma/certificate course, 10: graduate, 11: postgraduate and above.
days_away_hometinyint unsigned No. of days stayed away from home during last 30 days.
no_meal_per_daytinyint unsigned No. of meal usually taken in a day.
meal_schooltinyint unsigned No. of meals taken during last 30 days away from home free of cost from school, balwadi etc.
meal_employertinyint unsigned No. of meals taken during last 30 days away from home free of cost from emplyer as perquisites or part of wage.
meal_othertinyint unsigned No. of meals taken during last 30 days away from home free of cost from others.
meal_on_paymenttinyint unsigned No. of meals taken during last 30 days away from home on payment.
meal_at_hometinyint unsigned No. of meals taken during last 30 days at home.

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Consumption of food, pan, tobacco,intoxicants andfuel & light during the last 30 days

Commodity code: 101 - 359.

codechar(3) Code(code table).
qty30_homefloat Quantity of consumption out of home produce during the last 30 days in kg unless otherwise specified.
val30_homefloat Value of consumption out of home produce during the last 30 days in rupees.
qty30float Quantity of total consumption during the last 30 days in kg unless otherwise specified.
val30float Value of total consumption during the last 30 days in rupees.
srctinyint unsigned Source. 1: only purchase, 2: only home-grown stock, 3: both purchase and home-grown stock, 4: only free collection, 5: only exchange of goods and services, 6: only gifts / charities, 9: others.

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Consumption of clothing, bedding, etc.

Commodity code: 360 - 399.

codechar(3) Code(code table).
qty30float Quantity of consumption during the last 30 days.
val30float Value of consumption during the last 30 days in rupees.
qty365float Quantity of consumption during the last 365 days.
val365float Value of consumption during the last 365 days in rupees.

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Expenditure on education and medical(institutional) goods and services

Commodity code: 400 - 419.

codechar(3) Code(code table).
val30float Value of consumption during the last 30 days in rupees.
val365float Value of consumption during the last 365 days in rupees.

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Expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes during the last 30 days

Commodity code: 420 - 549.

codechar(3) Code(code table).
val30float Value of consumption during the last 30 days in rupees.

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Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use

Commodity code: 550 - 659.

codechar(3) Code(code table).
ifpostinyint unsigned Whether possesed? 1: yes, 2: no.
val30_1hfloat [The last 30 days/1st hand] Value of purchaes in rupees.
rpr30_1hfloat [The last 30 days/1st hand] Cost of raw materials and services for construction and repair in rupees.
val30_2hfloat [The last 30 days/2nd hand] Value of purchaes in rupees.
val30float [The last 30 days] Total expenditure in rupees.
num365_1hsmallint unsigned [The last 365 days/1st hand] No. of purchased.
ifpurtinyint unsigned [The last 365 days/1st hand] Whether hire purchased? 1: yes, 2: no.
val365_1hfloat [The last 365 days/1st hand] Value of purchase in rupees.
rpr365_1hfloat [The last 365 days/1st hand] Cost of raw materials and services for construction and repair in rupees.
num365_2hsmallint unsigned [The last 365 days/2nd hand] No. of purchased.
val365_2hfloat [The last 365 days/2nd hand] Value of purchase in rupees.
val365float [The last 365 days] Total expenditure in rupees.