慶應義塾大学 商学部・商学研究科

新保一成 研究室


The NSS 55th round: Consumer Expenditure for July 1999 - June 2000

Table NameDescription
Common items Identifiction of sample households. These items are common for all tables.
nss55wrk1a Household characterisitics
nss55wrk2 Demographic and other particulars of household members
nss55wrk3 Consumption during 7 days and 30 days
nss55wrk51 Consumption of selected non-food items from home-produced stock during lats 30 days
nss55wrk52 Purchase of selected commodities supplied through public distribution system(P.D.S.) during the last 30 days

Common items

Identification of sample household

Column nameTypeContents
hhdid char(10)
wrkid char(2)
rsh char(3) Round and schedule number: 551.
sec tinyint unsigned Sector: 1 = rural, 2 = urban.
strg char(3) State-region code.
strm char(2) Stratum number.
dist char(2) District code.
sr tinyint unsigned Sub-round number: 1, 2, 3, 4.
ss tinyint unsigned Sub-sample: 1 = central, 2 = state.
fsu char(5) FSU(First statge units) number.
vno tinyint unsigned Visit number: 1, 2.
sgn tinyint unsigned Segment: 1, 2.
sstrm char(2) Second stage stratum.
hhd char(2) Sample household number.
svc tinyint unsigned Survey code: household surveyed is 1 = original, 2 = substitute, 3 = cuasalty.
resubs tinyint unsigned Reson for first substitution of original household: 1 = informant is busy, 2 = members are away from home, 3 = informant is non-cooperative, 9 = others.
nss tinyint unsigned Sub-sample wise counts.
nsc tinyint unsigned Combined counts.
mults float Multiplier.
ssrpl tinyint unsigned
mpce30 float Monthly per capita consumption expenditure based on expenditure during the last 30 days.
mpce7 float Monthly per capita consumption expenditure based on expenditure during the last 7 days.
hhdsz tinyint unsigned Household size.
hhdtp tinyint unsigned Household type: For rural areas, 1 = self-employed in non-agricultural labor, 2 = agricultural labor, 3 = other labor, 4 = self-employed in agriculture, 9 = others. For urban areas, 1 = self-employed, 2 = regular wage/salary earning, 3 = casual labpr, 9 = others.
rlgn tinyint unsigned Religion: 1 = Hinduism, 2 = Islam, 3 = Christianity, 4 = Sikhism, 5 = Janism, 6 = Buddhism, 7 = Zoroastrianism, 9 = others.
sgrp tinyint unsigned Social group: 1 = scheduled tribe, 2 = scheduled caste, 3 = other backward class, 9 = others.
landps float Land possessed in hectares.


Household characterisitics

Column nameTypeContents
cooking tinyint unsigned Primary source of energy for cooking: 1 = coke, coal, 2 = firewood and chips, 3 = LPG, 4 = gobar gas, 5 = dung cake, 6 = charcoal, 7 = kerosene, 8 = electricity, 9 = others, 10 = no cooking arrangement.
lighting tinyint unsigned Primary source of energy for lighting: 1 = kerosene, 2 = other oil, 3 = gas, 4 = candle, 5 = electricity, 6 = others, 7 = no lighting arrangement.
irdp tinyint unsigned Did the household receive any assistance during the last 5 years from IRDP: 1 = no, for yes, 2 = milch animal, 3 = draught animal, 4 = sheep/goat, 5 = pumpset, 6 = for fish-pond 7 = sewing machine, 8 = other agricultural tools \& equip,emt, 9 = others?
pubwrk tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household work for at least 60 days on public works during the last 365 days?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_cult tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from cultivation?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_othagr tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from fishing/other agricultural enterprise?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_wage tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from wage/salaried employment?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_nonagr tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from non-agricultural enterprises?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_pension tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from pension?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_rent tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from rent?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_remit tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from remittances?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_div tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from interset and dividends?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_other tinyint unsigned During the last 365 days, did the household receive any income from others?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
enoughfood tinyint unsigned Do all members of your households get enough food everyday?: yes, 1 = throughtout the year, 2 = some months of the year; 3 = no.
mnth1 tinyint unsigned In January, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth2 tinyint unsigned In Febrary, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth3 tinyint unsigned In March, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth4 tinyint unsigned In April, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth5 tinyint unsigned In May, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth6 tinyint unsigned In June, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth7 tinyint unsigned In July, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth8 tinyint unsigned In August, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth9 tinyint unsigned In September, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth10 tinyint unsigned In October, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth11 tinyint unsigned In November, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnth12 tinyint unsigned In December, all members got enough food: 1 = yes, 0 = no.
mnthtot tinyint unsigned Total number of months in which all members got enough food.
ifask tinyint unsigned Whether enoughfood was actually asked from the informant?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
tmcnv tinyint unsigned
nic char(5) Principal industry: NIC-1998.
nco char(3) Pricipal occupation: NCO-1968.
ifownland tinyint unsigned Whether owns any land?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
tpownland tinyint unsigned If yes, type of land owned: 1 = homestead only, 2 = homestead \& other land, 3 = other land only.
land_own float Land owned in hectares.
land_lsin float Land leased-in in hectares.
land_jstuse float Land neither owned nor leased-in in hectares.
land_lsout float Land leased-out in hectares.
land_cult float Land cultivated during July 1998 to July 1999 in hectares.
land_irrg float Land irrigated during July 1998 to July 1999 in hectares.
ifktg tinyint unsigned Does the household possesse a kitchen garden?: 1 = yes, 2 = no.
mpccod tinyint unsigned
cmpccd tinyint unsigned
cmbmults float Combind multiplier.


Demographic and other particulars of household members

Column nameTypeContents}
persln tinyint unsigned Serial number of household members.
rela tinyint unsigned Relation to head. 1: self, 2: spouse of head, 3: married child, 4: spouse of married child, 5: unmarried child, 6: grandchild, 7: father/mother/father-in-law/mother-in-law, 8: brother/sister/brother-in-law/sister-in-law/other relatives, 9: servants/employees/other non-relatives
sex tinyint unsigned Sex. 1: male, 2: female
age tinyint unsigned Age(years).
marsta tinyint unsigned Marital status. 1: never married, 2: currently married, 3: widowed, 4: divorced/separated
educn tinyint unsigned General education level. 1: not literate\}, literate through attending \{2: NFEC/AEC, 3: TLC, 4: others\}, \{5: literate but below primary, 6: primary, 7: middle, 8: secondary, 9: high secindary\}, graduate and above in \{10: agriculture, 11: engineering/technology, 12: medical, 13: other subjects
wrkcod tinyint unsigned Whether a worker during last 365 days. 1: yes, 2: no
tpincome tinyint unsigned Type of income received during last 365 days. 1: economic activity, 2: other sources, 3: no income
days_away_home tinyint unsigned Number of days stayed away from home during last 30 days.
no_meal_per_day tinyint unsigned Number of meals usually taken in a day.
meal_school tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days from school, balwadi etc.
meal_employer tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days from employer as perquisites or part of wage.
meal_other tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days from others.
meal_on_payment tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days on payment.
meal_at_home tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days at home.


Consumption during 7 days and 30 days

Column nameTypeContents
code char(3) Code.
qty7 float Quantity during last 7 days.
val7 float Value during last 7 days.
qty30 float Quantity during last 30 days.
val30 float Value during last 30 days.
src tinyint unsigned Source. 1: only purchase, 2: only home-grown stock, 3: both purchase and home-grown stock, 4: only free collection, 9: others
foodcd tinyint unsigned Food code.
onuse tinyint unsigned Number of durables onuse.


Consumption of selected non-food items from home-produced stock during lats 30 days

Column nameTypeContents}
qty1 float {Firewood and chips. Quantity in kg.
val1 float Firewood and chips. Value in rupees.
val2 float Dung cake. Value in rupees.
qty3 float Candle. Quantity in number.
val3 float Candle. Value in rupees.
val4 float Clothing. Value in rupees.
qty5 float Footwear. Quantity in pair.
val5 float Footwear. Value in rupees.
qty6 float Mats and matting. Quantity in number.
val6 float Mats and matting. Value in rupees.
qty7 float Earthenware. Quantity in number.
val7 float Earthenware. Value in rupees.
qty8 float Basket. Quantity in number.
val8 float Basket. Value in rupees.
qty9 float Coir, rope etc. Quantity in kg.
val9 float Coir, rope etc.. Value in rupees.
qty10 float Carpet, daree, other flooe matting. Quantity in number.
val10 float Carpet, daree, other flooe matting. Value in rupees.
val11 float Total. Value in rupees.


Purchase of selected commodities supplied through public distribution system(P.D.S.) during the last 30 days

Column nameTypeContents
purchtp1 tinyint unsigned Puchase type. 1: only from P.D.S., 2: from both surces, 3: not purchased
qtypds1 float Rice purchase from P.D.S. Quantity in kg.
valpds1 float Rice} purchase from P.D.S. Value in rupees.
qtyoth1 float Rice} purchase from other sources. Quantity in kg.
valoth1 float Rice purchase from other sources. Value in rupees.
purchtp2 tinyint unsigned Same as purchtp1.
qtypds2 float Wheat/atta purchase from P.D.S. Quantity in kg.
valpds2 float Wheat/atta purchase from P.D.S. Value in rupees.
qtyoth2 float Wheat/atta purchase from other sources. Quantity in kg.
valoth2 float Wheat/atta purchase from other sources. Value in rupees.
purchtp3 tinyint unsigned Same as purchtp1.
qtypds3 float Sugar} purchase from P.D.S. Quantity in kg.
valpds3 float Sugar} purchase from P.D.S. Value in rupees.
qtyoth3 float Sugar purchase from other sources. Quantity in kg.
valoth3 float Sugar purchase from other sources. Value in rupees.
purchtp4 tinyint unsigned Same as purchtp1.
qtypds4 float Kerosene purchase from P.D.S. Quantity in litre.
valpds4 float Kerosene purchase from P.D.S.. Value in rupees.
qtyoth4 float Kerosene purchase from othersources. Quantity in litre.
valoth4 float Kerosene purchase from othersources. Value in rupees.
valpds5 float Total purchase from P.D.S. Value in rupees.
valoth5 float Total purchase from other sources. Value in rupees.