慶應義塾大学 商学部・商学研究科

新保一成 研究室


The NSS 43th round: Consumer Expenditure for July 1987 - June 1988

Table NameContents
Common items Identifiction of sample households. These items are common for all tables.
nss43ce_hhd Household characteristics. Particulars of dwelling unit. Particulars of ceremonies performed and meals served by the household during the last 30.
nss43ce_member Particulars of household members.
nss43ce_food_enenrgy Cash purchase and consumption of food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants and fuel and light during the last 30 days.
nss43ce_clothing30, nss43ce_clothing365 Cash purchase and consumption of clothing during the last 30 and 365 days.
nss43ce_footwear30, nss43ce_footwear365 Cash purchase and consumption of footwear during the last 30 and 365 days.
nss43ce_misc Expenditure (cash and kind) on the miscellaneous goods and services and rents & taxes during the last 30 days.
nss43ce_durables30, nss43ce_durables365 Expenditure (cash and kind) for purchase and construction (including repair) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 30 and 365 days.
nss43ce_comcode Commodity code table.
nss43ce_state State-Region code table.

Common items

Identification of sample household

Variable Name Type Description
id int Id number.
hhdid char(8) Household id number.
round tinyint unsigned Round number.
schedule tinyint unsigned Scedyle numver.
sample tinyint unsigned Sample ; central=1, state=2
sec tinyint unsigned Sector : Rural=1, Urban=2
fsu char(5) Sample village/block no.
strg char(3) State-Region code
strm char(2) Stratum number
ss tinyint unsigned Sub-sample : central=1, state=2
svb char(3) Sample village/block.
sr tinyint unsigned Sub-round number
sstrm tinyint unsigned Sub-stratum number
hhd char(2) Sample household no.
level char(2) Level number. (Record type)
adultm char(2) Number of Adult male
adultf char(2) Number of Adult female
childm char(2) Number of child male
childf char(2) Number of child female
mpce_code char(2) Per capita expenditure code
hhdtp tinyint unsigned Household type. For rural areas, 1 = self-employed in non-agricultural labor, 2 = agricultural labor, 3 = other labor, 4 = self-employed in agriculture, 9 = others. For urban areas, 1 = self-employed, 2 = regular wage/salary earning, 3 = casual labpr, 9 = others.
sgrp tinyint unsigned Social group. 1 = scheduled tribe, 2 = scheduled caste, 3 = neo-Buddhist, 9 = others.
ifownland tinyint unsigned Land possessed code
size_code tinyint unsigned Size class of code
mults float Multiplier
consumer_unit char(4) Consumer unit
age_head tinyint unsigned Age of head
nic char(3) Principal industry code: NIC=1970
nco char(3) Principal occupation code: NCO-1968
mpce30 float Per capita expenditure last month

The variables, nic and nco are not available for nss43ce_member, nss43ce_misc, nss43ce_durables and nss50ce_durables35.


Household characteristics. Perception of household regarding sufficiency of food. Insurance particulars of the household during the last 365 days. Particulars of dwelling unit.

Variable Name Type Description
dist char(2) District code
sex_head tinyint unsigned Sex of head code. 1 = male, 2 = female.
ssc tinyint unsigned Survey sequence code. 1 = first=1, 2 = second.
info tinyint unsigned Informant code. 1 = head of household, 2 = other member of household, 9 = others.
info_type tinyint unsigned Type of informant code. 1 = cooperative & capable, 2 = cooperative but not capable, 3 = busy, 4 = reluctant, 9 = others.
svc tinyint unsigned Survey code. 1 = original household surveyed, 2 = substitute household surveyed, 3 = nothing surveyed.
resubs tinyint unsigned Reason for casualty code. 1 = informant busy, 2 = members away from home, 3 = informant non-cooperative, 9 = others.
hhdsz char(3) Household size
nic char(3) Principal industry code: NIC=1970
nco char(3) Principal occupation code: NCO-1968
hhdtp0 tinyint unsigned Household type. For rural areas, 1 = self-employed in non-agricultural labor, 2 = agricultural labor, 3 = other labor, 4 = self-employed in agriculture, 9 = others. For urban areas, 1 = self-employed, 2 = regular wage/salary earning, 3 = casual labpr, 9 = others.
rlgn tinyint unsigned Religion. 1 = Hinduism, 2 = Islam, 3 = Christianity, 4 = Sikhism, 5 = Janism, 6 = Buddhism, 7 = Zoroastrianism, 9 = others.
sgrp0 tinyint unsigned Social group. 1 = scheduled tribe, 2 = scheduled caste, 3 = neo-Buddhist, 9 = others.
tpownland tinyint unsigned Homestead type. 1 = owned, 9 = others.
land_own float Land owned in hectares
land_lsin float Land leased-in in hectares
land_jstuse float Land neither owned nor leased-in in hectares
land_lsout float Land leased-out in hectares
landps float Land possessed in hectares
cult_own float Land cultivated owned in hectares.
cult_lsin float Land cultivated leased-in in hectares
cult_jstuse float Land cultivated neihter owned nor leased-in in hectares.
land_cult float Land cultivated in hectares.
land_irrg float Land irrigated in hectares.
crop_labor tinyint unsigned Use of hired labor for crop production. 1 = regularly, 2 = during peak season only, 3 = casually, 4 = hires no labor, 5 = no crop production.
other_labor tinyint unsigned Use of hired labor for other productive enterprises. 1 = regularly, 2 = during peak season only, 3 = casually, 4 = hires no labor, 5 = no other productive enterprise.
mpce30 float Per capita expenditure last month
cooking tinyint unsigned Primaly source of energy for cooking. 1 = coke, coal, 2 = fire wood and chips, 3 = gas(coal, oil or natural), 4 = gobar gas, 5 = dung cake, 6 = charcoal, 7 = kerosene, 8 = electricity, 9 = others.
lighting tinyint unsigned Primary source of energy for lighting. 1 = kerosene, 2 = other oil, 3 = gas, 4 = candle, 5 = electricity, 9 = others.
grow_rice tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate rice? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_wheat tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate wheat? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_jowar tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate maize? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_bajra tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate Bajra? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_maize tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate maize? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_barley tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate barley? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_ragi tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate ragi? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_gram tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate gram? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
pubwrk tinyint unsigned Did any member of housejold work for at least 60 days on public works during last 365 days? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_cult tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from cultivation? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_othagr tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from fishing/other agricultural enterprise? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_wage tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from wage/salaried employment? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_nonagr tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from non-agricultural enterprises? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_pension tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from pension? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_remit tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from remittances? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_div tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from interest and dividends? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
income_other tinyint unsigned During the preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from others? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
irdp tinyint unsigned Did the household receive any assistance during the last 5 years from IRDP? 1 = no, 2 = milch animal, 3 = draught animal, 4 = sheep/goat, 5 = pumpset, 6 = fish-pond, 7 = sewing machine, 9 = others.
milch_animal tinyint unsigned Does the household possess milch animals? 0 = no, 1 = cows, 2 = buffaloes, 3 = both cows and buffaloes, 9 = other.
draught_animal tinyint unsigned Does the household possess draught animals? 1 = pair or more, 2 = singl, 0 = none.
fair_price_shop tinyint unsigned Did the household purchase any commodity from ration/fair price shop during last 30 days? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_alcohol tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume alcoholic beverages? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_banana tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume bananas? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_mango tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume mangoes? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_citrus tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume citrus fruits(orange etc.)? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_apple tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume apples? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_grape tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume grapes? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
cons_other tinyint unsigned During the last 30 days the household consume something? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
train_work tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by train for work? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
train_edu tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by train for eduction? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
train_other tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by train for other non-economic activity? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
bus_work tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by bus for work? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
bus_edu tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by bus for eduction? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
bus_other tinyint unsigned Did any member of the household make a journey during the last 30 days by bus for other non-economic activity? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
ifcerem tinyint unsigned Whether any ceremony performed by the household during last 30 days (yes = 1, no = 2)
cerem_id_1 tinyint unsigned Serial number of ceremony
cerem_code_1 tinyint unsigned Ceremony code. 1 = birth, 2 = marriage, 3 = death, 4 = other ceremony.
cerem_num_meal_1 char(6) Number of meals served to guest.
cerem_id_2 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_code_2 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_num_meal_3 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_id_3 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_code_3 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_num_meal_3 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_id_4 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_code_4 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_num_meal_4 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_id_5 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_code_5 tinyint unsigned ditto.
cerem_num_meal_5 tinyint unsigned ditto.
meal_serve_id_1 tinyint unsigned Number of meals served (other than those served during ceremony) Serial number
meal_serve_to_1 tinyint unsigned Type code : 6 = guests, 7 = employees
meal_serve_num_1 tinyint unsigned Number of meals served (other than those served during ceremony)
meal_serve_id_2 tinyint unsigned ditto.
meal_serve_to_2 tinyint unsigned ditto.
meal_serve_num_2 tinyint unsigned ditto.
dwell_ownership tinyint unsigned Particulars of dwelling unit. 1 = owned, 2 = hired, 9 = others, 0 = no dwelling unit.
dwell_covered_area float Particulars of dwelling unit. Covered area (square meter)
dwell_ownland tinyint unsigned Land possession code. 1 = owned, 2 = rented, 3 = leased-in, 9 = others.
dwel_plinth tinyint unsigned Plinth level. 1 = basement, 2 = 0.00 meter, 3 = more than 0.00 meter.
dwell_type tinyint unsigned Type of dwelling. 1 = chaw/bustee, 2 = independent house, 3 = flat.
dwell_structure tinyint unsigned Type of structure. 1 = katcha, 2 = semi-pucca, 3 = pucca.
dwell_floor tinyint unsigned Floor type. 1 = mud, 2 = wood, bamboo, reed, 3 = brick, cement, stone, 9 = others.
dwell_rent float Monthly rent (actual or imputed) (Rs. 0.00) (for urban only)
dwell_cond tinyint unsigned Condition of the house. 1 = excellent, 2 = good, 3 = bad.
dwell_house_category char(2) House category code.(to be filled in at D.P. centre)
mpce_old float Old monthly per capita consumption expenditure.


Particulars of household members.

Variable Name Type Description
member_id tinyint unsigned Serial number of household member
relation tinyint unsigned Relation to head. 1 = head, 2 = spouse of head, 3 = child, 4 = spouse of married child, 5 = unmarried child, 6 = grand child, 7 = father/mother/father-in-low/mother-in-low, 8 = brother/sister/brother-in-low/sister-in-low/other relations, 9 = servant/employee/other non-relatives.
sex tinyint unsigned Sex. 1 = male, 2 = female.
age tinyint unsigned Age(years).
marital_state tinyint unsigned Marital status. 1 = never married, 2 = currently married, 3 = widowed, 4 = divorced/separated.
education tinyint unsigned General education code. 0 = not literate, 1 = literate without formal schooling, 2 = literate but below primary, 3 = primary, 4 = middle, 5 = secondary.
days_away_home tinyint unsigned Number of days stayed away from home during last 30 days.
num_meal_1day tinyint unsigned Number of meals usually taken in a day
meal_free tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days away from home with free of cost.
meal_on_payment tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days away from home on payment.
meal_at_home tinyint unsigned Number of meals taken during last 30 days at home.
tobacco_smoke tinyint unsigned Consumption of tobacco. 1 = regular, 2 = casual, 3 = not consuming.
tobacco_chew tinyint unsigned ditto.
tobacco_snuff tinyint unsigned ditto.
tobacco_powder tinyint unsigned ditto.


Cash purchase and consumption of food, pan, tobacco, intoxicants and fuel and light during the last 30 days.

Variable Name Type Description
item_code char(3) Item code
qty_cash float Quantity of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash float Value of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_home float Quantity of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_home float Value of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_gift float Quantity of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
val_gift float Value of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
qty_total float Quantity of total consumption during the last 30 days.
val_total float Value of total consumption during the last 30 days.
grow_rice tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate rice? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_wheat tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate wheat? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_jowar tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate jowar? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_bajra tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate Bajra? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_maize tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate maize? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_barley tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate barley? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_ragi tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate ragi? 1 = yes, 2 = no.
grow_gram tinyint unsigned During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate gram? 1 = yes, 2 = no.

nss43ce_clothing30, nss43ce_clothing365

Cash purchase and consumption of clothing during the last 30 and 365 days.

Variable Name Type Description
item_code char(3) Item code
type_code tinyint unsigned Type code. 1 = cotton: mill made, 2 = power loom, 3 = hand loom, 4 = khadi, 5 = wool, 6 = art silk, rayon or other synthetic textile, 7 = pure silk, 8 = wool/synthetic/cotton/silk, 9 = others.
qty_cash float Quantity of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash float Value of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_home float Quantity of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_home float Value of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_gift float Quantity of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
val_gift float Value of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
qty_total float Quantity of total consumption during the last 30 days.
val_total float Value of total consumption during the last 30 days.

nss43ce_footwear30, nss43ce_footwear365

Cash purchase and consumption of footwear during the last 30 and 365 days.

Variable Name Type Description
item_code char(3) Item code
qty_cash float Quantity of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash float Value of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_home float Quantity of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_home float Value of consumption out of home grown stock during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
qty_gift float Quantity of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
val_gift float Value of consumption out of gift, loan,etc. during the last 30 days.
qty_total float Quantity of total consumption during the last 30 days.
val_total float Value of total consumption during the last 30 days.


Expenditure (cash and kind) on the miscellaneous goods and services and rents & taxes during the last 30 days.

Variable Name Type Description
item_code char(3) Item code
qty_cash float Quantity of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash float Value of cash purchase during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.

nss43ce_durables30, nss43ce_durables365

Expenditure (cash and kind) for purchase and construction (including repair) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 30 and 365 days.

Variable Name Type Description
item_code char(3) Item code.
num_in_use tinyint unsigned Number in use.
number_1st tinyint unsigned Number of 1st hand purchase.
hire_purchase_1st tinyint unsigned Whether hired or purchased for 1st hand purchase. 1: hired, 2: purchased.
val_cash_1st float Value of 1st hand purchase in cash during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash_kind_1st float Value of 1st hand purchase in cash and kind during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash_construct float Cost of raw material and services for construction and repair in cash during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash_kind_construct float Cost of raw material and services for construction and repair in cash and kind during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash_total float Total expenditure in cash during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00. val_cash_1st + val_cash_construct.
val_cash_kind_total float Total expenditure in cash and kind during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00. val_cash_kind_1st + val_cash_kind_construct.
number_2nd tinyint unsigned Number of 2nd hand purchase.
val_cash_2nd float Value of 2nd hand purchase in cash during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.
val_cash_kind_2nd float Value of 2nd hand purchase in cash and kind during the last 30 days in Rs. 0.00.


Commodity code table.

Code Description Unit
101 Paddy kg
102 Rice kg
103 Chira kg
104 Khoi, lawa kg
105 Muri kg
108 Other rice products kg
109 Rice: sub total kg
110 Wheat kg
111 Atta kg
112 Maida kg
113 Suji, rawa kg
114 Sewai, noodles kg
115 Bread (bakery) kg
118 Other wheat products kg
119 Wheat: sub total kg
120 Jowar kg
121 Jowar products kg
129 Jowar: sub total kg
130 Bajra kg
131 Bajra products kg
139 Bajra: sub total kg
140 Maize kg
141 Maize products kg
149 Maize: sub total kg
150 Barley kg
151 Barley products kg
159 Barley : sub total kg
160 Small-millets kg
161 Small-millets products kg
169 Small-millets: sub total kg
170 Ragi kg
171 Ragi products kg
179 Ragi: sub total kg
189 Total cereals: 109+119+129+139+149+159+169+179 kg
190 Gram (full grain) kg
191 Gram products kg
199 Gram: sub total kg
200 Tapioca dry/ sago kg
201 Tapioca (green) kg
202 Mahua kg
203 Jackfruit seed kg
208 Other cereal substitutes kg
209 Cereal substitutes: sub total (200-208) kg
210 Arhar (tur) kg
211 Gram (split gram) kg
212 Moong kg
213 Masur kg
214 Urd kg
215 Khasari kg
216 Peas kg
217 Soyabean kg
218 Other pulses kg
219 Pulses: sub total (210-218) kg
220 Besan kg
228 Other pulse products kg
229 Pulses & prods: sub total (219+220+228) kg
230 Milk (liquid) l
231 Baby food kg
232 Milk (cond/powder) kg
233 Curd kg
234 Ghee kg
235 Butter kg
236 Ice-cream no
238 Other milk products kg
239 Milk products: sub total (230-238)
240 Vanaspati kg
241 Margarine kg
242 Mustard oil kg
243 Ground nut oil kg
244 Coconut oil kg
245 Gingelly (til) oil kg
246 Linseed oil kg
247 Refined oil kg
250 Palm oil kg
251 Rapeseed oil kg
252 Oil seed kg
258 Edible oil (others) kg
259 Edible oil: sub total (240-258) kg
260 Goat meat kg
261 Mutton kg
262 Beef kg
263 Pork kg
264 Buffalo meat kg
268 Other meat kg
269 Meat: sub total (260-268) kg
270 Poultry no
271 Other birds no
272 Eggs no
273 Egg products
274 Fish (fresh) kg
275 Fish (dry) kg
279 Meat, Egg, Fish: sub total (269, 270-275)
280 Potato kg
281 Arum kg
282 Radish kg
283 Carrot kg
284 Turnip kg
285 Beet kg
286 Sweet potato kg
287 Onion kg
288 Other root vegetables kg
289 Root vegetables: sub total (280-288) kg
290 Pumpkin kg
291 Gourd kg
292 Bitter gourd kg
293 Cucumber kg
294 Parwal/patal kg
295 Jhinga/torai kg
296 Snake gourd kg
298 Other gourds kg
299 Gourd: sub total (290-298) kg
300 Cauli flower kg
301 Cabbege kg
302 Brinjal kg
303 Lady's finger kg
304 Palak kg
305 Other leafy veg. kg
306 French beans & barbati kg
307 Tomato kg
310 Peas kg
311 Chilli (green) kg
312 Capsicum kg
313 Plantain (green) kg
314 Jackfruit (green) kg
315 Lemon kg
318 Other vegetables kg
319 Other Veg.: sub total (300-318) kg
329 Vegetables (all): sub total (289+299+319) kg
330 Banana no
331 Jackfruit kg
332 Water melon kg
333 Pine apple no
334 Coconut no
335 Guava no
336 Singhara kg
337 Orange mausambi (no.) kg
340 Mango kg
341 Kharbooza kg
342 Pears (naspati) kg
343 Berries kg
344 Leechi kg
345 Apple kg
346 Grapes kg
348 Other fresh fruits kg
349 Fruits (fresh): sub total (330-348)
350 Coconut(copra) kg
351 Groundnut kg
352 Dates kg
353 Cashewnut kg
354 Walnut kg
355 Other nuts kg
356 Raisin (khishinish, monacca, etc) kg
358 Other dry fruits kg
359 Fruits (dry): sub total (350-358) kg
360 Sugar (crystal) kg
361 Khandsari kg
362 Gur (cane) kg
363 Gur (others) kg
364 Sugar candy (misri) kg
365 Honey kg
368 Sugar (others) kg
369 Sugar: sub total (360-368) kg
370 Sea salt kg
371 Other salt kg
379 Salt: sub total (370-371) kg
380 Turmeric g
381 Black pepper g
382 Dry chillies g
383 Garlic g
384 Tamarind g
385 Ginger g
386 Curry powder g
388 Other spices g
389 Spices: sub total (380-388) g
390 Tea (cups) no
391 Tea (leaf) g
392 Coffee (cups) no
393 Coffee (powder) g
394 Ice kg
395 Cold Beverage (bottled or canned) no
396 Fruit juice & shake glass
400 Coconut green no
408 Other beverages(cocoa, chocolate, bournvita, ovaltine, horlicks)
409 Beverage: sub total (390-408)
410 Biscuit g
411 Salted refreshment
412 Prepared sweets
413 Cooked meals no
414 Cake, pastry
415 Pickles g
416 Sauce g
417 Jam, jelly g
418 Other processed food g
419 Processed food: sub total (410-418)
429 Beverages etc: sub total (409-419)
430 Pan (leaf) no
431 Pan ( finished ) no
432 Supari g
433 Lime g
434 Katha g
438 Other ingredients for pan g
439 Pan: sub total ( 430-438 )
440 Bidi no
441 Cigarettes no
442 Leaf tobacco kg
443 Snuff g
444 Hookah tobacco kg
445 Cheroot no
446 Zarada, Kimam Surti g
448 Other tobacco prods g
449 Tobacco: sub total ( 440-448 )
450 Ganja g
451 Toddy l
452 Country liquor l
453 Opium, Bhang, Charas g
454 Beer l
455 Foreign liquor or refreshed liquor ( brandy, whisky, etc ) l
458 Other drugs and intoxicants
459 Intoxicants: sub total ( 450-458 )
460 Coke kg
461 Fire-wood and chips kg
462 Electricity standard unit
463 Dung cake
464 Kerosene l
465 Matches box
466 Coal kg
467 Coal gus standard unit
470 L.P.G. kg
471 Charcoal kg
472 Other oil used for lighting l
473 Candle no
474 Methylated spirit l
475 Gobar gus kg
478 Other fuel and light
479 Fuel and light: sub total ( 460-478 )
480 Dhoti m
481 Saree m
482 Cloth for shirt, pyjama, salwar etc. m
483 Cloth for coat, trousers, overcoat, etc. m
484 Chaddar, dopatta, wrapper, shawl, etc. m
485 Lungi m
486 Gamcha, towel, handkerchief no
487 Hosiery articles, stockings, undergarments etc. no
490 Ready made garments no
491 Headwear m
492 Knitted garments, sweater, pullover, cardigan, muffler, scarf, etc. no
493 Bed sheet, bed cover m
494 Rug, blanket m
495 Pillow, quilt, mattress m
496 Cloth for upholstery, curtain, table cloth, etc. m
497 Mosquito net no
500 Mats and matting no
501 Cotton, cotton yarn g
502 Knitting wool g
508 Clothing - others no
509 Clothing: sub total ( 480-508 )
510 Leather boots, shoe pair
511 Leather sandals, chappal, etc. pair
512 Other leather foot-wear pair
513 Rubber/PVC foot-wear pair
518 Other foot-wear pair
519 Foot-wear: sub total (510-518) pair
520 Cinema, theatre
521 Mela, fair, picnic
522 Sports goods, toys, etc
523 Club fees
524 Goods for recreation and hobbies
525 Photography
526 Video casette
528 Other amusement
529 Amusement: sub total
530 Books, journals
531 Newspaper, periodicals
532 Library charges
533 Stationery articles
534 Tuition fees (school/college)
538 Other educational expenses
539 Education: sub total
540 Allopathic medicine
541 Homoeopathic medicine
542 Ayurvedio medicine
543 Unani medicine
544 Family planning applicance
548 Other medical expenses
549 Medical: sub total
550 Spectacles
551 Torch light and batteries
552 Fountain pen
553 Lock
554 Umbralla, rain-coat
555 Walking stick, etc
556 Lighter
558 Other goods for personal care and effect
559 Goods for personal care and effects: sub total (550-558)
560 Toilet soap
561 Tooth paste, tooth powder, tooth brush
562 Powder , snow, cream, flower
563 Hair oil, lotion, shampoo, hair cream
564 Comb
565 Shaving blades
566 Shaving stick and shaving cream
567 Other shaving requisities
568 Other toilet articles
569 Toilet articles: sub total ( 560-568)
570 Electric bulbs, tubelights
571 Electric batteries
572 Other non-durable electric goods
573 Carthen ware
574 Glass ware
575 Plastic ware
576 Coir, rope, etc
577 Washing soap
580 Washing soda
581 Other washing requisities
582 Agger bathi
588 Other pretty articles
589 Other sundry articles: sub total (570-588)
599 Miscellaneous consumer goods: sub total (529+539+549+559+569+589)
600 Doctor
601 Nurse, midwife
602 Hospital charges
603 Private tutor
604 Domestic servant, cook
605 Sweeper
606 Barber, beautician etc
607 Washerman, launder
610 Tailor
611 Priest
612 Lawyer
613 Postage, telephone, telegram
614 Repair charge
618 Other consumer services
619 Consumer services: sub total (601-618)
620 Railway fare
621 Bus fare
622 Taxi, auto rickshaw fare
623 Bullock cart fare
624 Airways fare
625 Porter charges
626 Steamer, boat fare
627 Rickshaw ( hand drawn and cycle ) fare
630 Horse cart fare
631 Hand operated cart fare
632 Petrol
633 Diesel
634 Lubricating oil
635 Other imputed value of owned conveyance
636 School bus/van
638 Other hired conveyance
639 Conveyance: sub total (620-638)
640 Pet animals and others (specify)
649 Miscellaneous consumer services: sub total (619+639+640)
650 House rent, garage rent
651 Residential land rent
652 Consumer rent (other goods)
659 Rents: sub total
669 Consumer taxes and cesses
670 Bed stead
671 Almirah
672 Dressing table
673 Chair
674 Coach, sofa
675 Table, desk
676 Stool, bench
677 Suitcase, trunks, box, hand bag and other travel goods
680 Foam, rubber, cushion (dunlopillo type)
681 Carpet, daree and other floor matting
682 Painting, drawings, engravings etc
688 Other furniture and fixtures
689 Furniture and fixtures: sub total (670-688)
690 Gramophone and record player
691 Radio
692 Radiogram
693 Television, video
694 Camere and other photographie equipment
695 Tape recorder
696 Harmonium
697 Piano
700 Record casette
701 Video casette
702 Other musical instruments
708 Other goods for recreation, entertainment and hobbies
709 Goods for recreation etc : sub total (690-708)
710 Gold ornament
711 Silver ornament
712 Jewels, pearls
718 Other ornaments
719 Jewellery and ornaments: sub total (710-718)
720 Stainless steel
721 Bell metal
722 Copper
723 Aluminium
724 Iron
725 Brass
726 Enamel
727 Crockery
728 Others
729 Household utensils: sub total (720-728)
730 Electric fan
731 Stove (pressure type/wick type)
732 Pressure cooker
733 Sewing machine
734 Washing machine
735 Refrigerator
736 Air conditioner, air cooler
737 Lantern, lamp
740 Electric iron, heater, toaster and other electric heating appliances
748 Ovens etc. and other cooking and household appliances/equipments
749 Cooking and household appliances: sub total (730-748)
750 Bicycle
751 Motor cycle, scooter
753 Tyres and tubes
754 Perambulator
758 Other transport equipment
759 Personal transport equipment: sub total (750-758)
760 Hearing aids
761 Glass eyes, artificial limbs, orthopaedic braces and supports
762 Surgical belts, supports
763 Clinical thermometer
768 Other therapeutic appliances and equipments
769 Therapeutic appliances and equipments: sub total (760-768)
770 Clock, watch
771 Type-writer
772 Electric hair drier and shaver
778 Any other personal goods
779 Other personal goods: sub total (770-778)
780 Residential building and land (cost of repair only)
788 Other durables (specify)
789 Durable goods: total (689+709+719+729+749+759+7659+779+780+788)


State-Region code table.

No. States/Union Territories Code
1 Andhra Pradesh 02
2 Arunachal Pradesh 25
3 Assam 03
4 Bihar 04
5 Goa 29**
6 Gujarat 05
7 Haryana 06
8 Himachal Pradesh 07
9 Jammu & Kashmir 08
10 Karnataka 09
11 Kerala 10
12 Madhya Pradesh 11
13 Maharashtra 12
14 Manipur 13
15 Meghalaya 14
16 Mizoram 31
17 Nagaland 15
18 Orissa 16
19 Punjab 17
20 Rajasthan 18
21 Sikkim 19
22 Tamil Nadu 20
23 Tripura 21
24 Uttar Pradesh 22
25 West Bengal 23
26 Andaman & Nicober Ilands 24
27 Chandigarh 26
28 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 27
29 Daman & Diu -
30 Delhi 28
31 Lakshadweep 30
32 Pondicheri 32
33 Chhattisgarh -
34 Jharkhand -
35 Uttaranchal -

** stands for Goa, Damman & Diu