慶應義塾大学 商学部・商学研究科

新保一成 研究室


The 5th Economic Census for 2005

Variable NameTypeDescription
idintId number.
enterprisechar(16)Enterprise id number.
[Rural] state + district + tehsil + village + block.
[Urban] state + district + town + frame+ward + block.
scheduleintShcedile number. '53'.
secintSector. 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban.
stateintState/UT code.
districtintDistrict code.
tehsilintTehsil/Teluk/PS/Dev. Block/Circle/Panchayat etc. code. For rural sector only.
villageintVillage code. For rural sector only
townintTown code. For urban sector only.
frameintFrame code. For urban sector only.
wardintWard code. For urban sector only.
inv_unitintInvestigator unit number.
blockintEnumaration block number for rural sector. UFS-block number for urban sector.
pageintPage number.
lineintLine number.
premiseintEnterprise premises status code. 1 = Without premise, 2 = With premise.
runsnointRunning seriak number of enterprise witin a page.
activityintActivity code. 1 = Major, 2 = Subsidiary.
nicchar(4)4-digit NIC 2004 code for major activity.
agri_nonagriintClassification code. 1 = Agruculture, 2 = Non-agriculture.
operationintOperation code. 1 = Perennial, 2 = Non-perennnial.
ownershipintOwnership code.
1 = Government & PSU.
2 = Non-profit institution.
3 = Unincorporated proprietary.
4 = Unincorporated partnership.
5 = Corporate non financial.
6 = Corporate financial.
7 = Co-operative .
sgrpintSocial group of owner.
1 = Female ST(scheduled tribe).
2 = Female SC(scheduled caste).
3 = Female OBC(other backward classes).
4 = Female other.
5 = Male ST(scheduled tribe).
6 = Male SC(scheduled caste).
7 = Male OBC(other backward classes).
8 = Male other.
9 = Other than private enterprise.
energyintPower/fuel used for enterprise activity.
1 = Without power.
2 = Electricity.
3 = Coal/soft coke.
4 = Petrol/diesel/kerosene.
5 = LPG/Natural Gas.
6 = Firewood.
7 = Animal power.
8 = Non-conventional energy.
9 = Others.
regist1intRegistration code(1st code).
regist2intRegistration code(2nd code).
0 = Not registerd.
Registered under ...
1 = 1948 Factory Act.
2 = State Directorate of Industries.
4 = Powerloom/Handloom/handicraft.
5 = Textile Comm/Jute Commis/Coir board/silk board.
6 = Central Excise/Sales Tax Act.
7 = Shop & Estab Act.
8 = Co-operative Society/Labour Act.
9 = Registered with other agencies.
adultm_totalintTotal number of adult male usually working.
adultf_totalintTotal number of adult female usually working.
chilem_totalintTotal number of child male usually working.
childf_totalintTotal number of child female usually working.
totalintTotal number of persons usually working.
adultm_nhintTotal number of non-hired adult male usually working.
adultf_nhintTotal number of non-hired adult female usually working.
chilem_nhintTotal number of non-hired child male usually working.
childf_nhintTotal number of non-hired child female usually working.
total_nhintTotal number of non-hired persons usually working.
financeintSource of finance.
0 = No finance/self finance.
1 = Assistance from Govenment sources.
2 = Borrowing from financial institutions.
3 = Borrowing from non-institution/money lenders.
9 = Others like NGO voluntary organization.
addressintAddress slip attached. 1 = Yes, 2 = No.