慶應義塾大学 商学部・商学研究科

新保一成 研究室


Employment and Unemployment 2011-2012: The NSS 68th round, Schedule 10

Table NameDescription
Common itemsIdentification of sample households and weights
nss68_10_level1Identification of sample household and particulars of field operations
nss68_10_level2Household characteristics
nss68_10_level3Demographic particulars of household members
nss68_10_level4Usual principal activity particulars of household members
nss68_10_level5Usual subsidiary economic activity particulars of household members
nss68_10_level6Time disposition during the week
nss68_10_level7Follow-up questions on availability for work, existence of union/association and nature of employment for persons working in the usual principal or subsidiary status
nss68_10_level8Follow-up questions for persons with usual principal activity status
nss68_10_level9Household consumption expenditure

Common variables

hhdid Unique household id
fsu FSU(First Stage Unit) serial number
round Round number = 68
schedule Schedule number = 100
sample Sample: 1 = Central, 2 = State
sector Sector: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban
strg NSS region
district District
strm Stratum
substrm Sub-stratum, urban only
subround Sub-round
subsample Sub-sample
fod FOD sub-region
segment Hamlet-Group/Sub-Block number: 1 = Hamlet, 2 = Sub-block
strm2 Second stage stratum number
hhs Sample household number
nss Weight for state sub-samples
nsc Weight for central samples
mlt Sub-sample wise multiplier
weight State and Sub-sample combined multiplier

Identification of sample household and particulars of field operations

level Level = 1
informant Serial number of informant as in seriak number of informant in Level 4
response Informant's response code:
1 = Co-operative and capable
2 = Co-operative but not capable
3 = Busy
4 = Reluctant
9 = Others
svc Survey code: Household surveyed
1 = Original
2 = Substitute
3 = Casualty
resubs Resons for substitution of original household:
1 = Informant busy2 = Members away from home
3 = Informant non-cooperative
9 = Others
data_survey Date of survey: "DDMMYY"
date_dispatch Date of dispatch: "DDMMYY"
canvass Total time taken to canvass schedule 10: minutes
canvass8 Total time taken to canvass block 8 in schedule 10: minutes
remark1 Whether schedule contains remarks in block 9/10: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.
remark2 Whether schedule contains remarks in block 9/10: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.
remark3 Whether schedule contains remarks in elsewhere in schedule: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.
remark4 Whether schedule contains remarks in elsewhere in schedule: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.

Household characteristics

level Level = 2
hhdsz Number of household members
nic Pricipal industry, National Industry Code 2008(NIC2008 5-digit)
nco Pricipal occupation, National Classification of Occupation 2004(NCO2004 3-digit)
hhdtype Household type
For rural areas:
1 = Self-employed in agriculture
2 = Self-employed in non-agriculture
3 = Regular wage/salary earning
4 = Casual labour in agriculture
5 = Casual labour in non-agriculture
9 = Others
For urban areas:
1 = Self-employed
2 = Regular wage/salary earning
3 = Casual labour
9 = Others
rlgn Religion:
1 = Hinduism
2 = Islam3 = Christianity
4 = Sikhism
5 = Jainism
6 = Buddhism
7 = Zoroastrianism
9 = Others
srgp Social group:
1 = Scheduled Tribe(ST)
2 = Scheduled Caste(SC)
3 = Other Backward Class(OBC)
9 = Others
land_area_own Land - owned: 0.000 hectares
land_area_possess Land - total: 0.000 hectares
land_area_cultivate Land - cultivated during July 2010 to June 2011: 0.000 hectares
mgnreg Whether the household has MGNREG job card: Yes = 1, No = 2
mgnreg_num Number of MGNREG job cards issued to the household
account Whether any member of the household has any bank/post office account: Yes = 1, No = 2
Including accounts held in bank/post offices for payment of wages earned in MGNREG work

Demographic particulars of household members

level Level = 3
member_id Serial number of household members
relat Relation to household head:
1 = Self
2 = Spouse of head
3 = Married child
4 = Spouse of married child
5 = Unmarried child
6 = Grandchild
7 = Father/mother/father-in-law/mother-in-law
8 = Brother/sister/brother-in-law/sister-in-law/other relatives
9 = Servants/employees/other non-relatives
sex Sex: 1 = Male, 2 = Female
age Age
marsta Marital status:
1 = Never married
2 = Currently married
3 = Widowed
4 = Divorced/separated
general_educ Education level - General:
1 = Not literate
Literate without formal schooling:
3 = TLC
4 = Others
5 = Below primary
6 = Primary
7 = Middle
8 = Secondary
10 = Higher secondary
11 = Diploma/certificate course
12 = Graduate
13 = Postgraduate and above
technical_edcu Educational level - Technical:
1 = No technical education
2 = Technical degree in agriculture/ engineering/ technology/ medicine, etc.
Diploma or certificate (below graduate level) in:
3 = Agriculture
4 = Engineering/ technology
5 = Medicine
6 = Crafts
7 = Other subjects
Diploma or certificate (graduate and above level) in:
8 = Agriculture
9 = Engineering/ technology
10 = Medicine
11 = Crafts
12 = Other subjects
current_educ For persons of age 0-29 years old:
Status of current attendance:
Currently not attending:
Never attended:
1 = School too far
2 = To supplement household income
3 = Education not considered necessary
4 = To attend domestic chores
5 = Others
Ever attended but currently not attending:
11 = School too far
12 = To supplement household income
13 = Education not considered necessary
14 = To attend domestic chores
15 = Others
Currently attending in:
22 = TLC
23 = Pre-primary (nursery/ Kindergarten, etc.)
24 = Primary (class I to IV/ V)
25 = Middle
26 = Secondary
27 = Higher secondary
28 = Graduate in: agriculture
29 = Engineering/ technology
30 = Medicine
31 = Other subjects
32 = Post graduate and above
Diploma or certificate (below graduate level) in:
33 = Agriculture
34 = Engineering/ technology
35 = Medicine
36 = Crafts
37 = Other subjects
Diploma or certificate (graduate level) in:
38 = Agriculture
39 = Engineering/ technology
40 = Medicine
41 = Crafts
42 = Other subjects
43 = Diploma or certificate in post graduate and above level
current_institute For persons of age 0-29 years old:
Type of institution:
1 = Government
2 = Local body
3 = Private and aided
4 = Private and unaided
5 = Not known
placement_agency For persons of age 15 to 45 years old:
Whether currently registered with any placement agency:
1 = Only in government employment exchanges
2 = Only in private placement agencies
3 = In both government employment exchanges and private placement agencies
Not registered:
4 = Not registered
vocational For persons of age 15-59 years old:
Whether receiving/received any vocational training:
1 = Receiving formal vocational training
Received vocational training:
2 = Formal
3 = Non-formal: hereditary
4 = Self-leanring
5 = Learning on the job
6 = Others
7 = Did not receive any vocational training
vocational_field For persons of age 15 - 59 years old:
Field of vocational training:
1 = Mechanical engineering trades
2 = Electrical and electronic engineering trades
3 = Computer trades
4 = Civil engineering and building construction related works
5 = Chemical engineering trades
6 = Leather related work
7 = Textile related work
8 = Catering, nutrition, hotels and restaurant related work
9 = Artisan/craftsman/handicraft and cottage based production work
10 = Creative arts/ artists
11 = Agriculture and crop production related skills and food preservation related work
12 = Non-crop based agricultural and other related activities
13 = Health and paramedical services related work
14 = Office and business related work
15 = Driving and motor mechanic work
16 = Beautician, hairdressing & related work
17 = Work related to tour operators/travel managers
18 = Photography and related work
19 = Work related to childcare, nutrition, pre-schools and crèche
20 = Journalism, mass communication and media related work
21 = Printing technology related work
99 = Other
regis_mgnreg For persons of age 18 years and above in rural households with MGNREG job card:
Whether registered in any MGNREG job card: Yes = 1, No = 2.
work_mgnreg For persons of age 18 years and above in rural households with MGNREG job card:
Whether worked in MGNREG works during last 365 days:
1 = Worked
2 = Sought but did not get work
3 = Did not seek work

Usual principal activity particulars of household members

level Level = 4
member_id Serial number of household members
age Age in years
principal_act_status Usual principal activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   41 = In public works
   51 = In other types of work
81 = Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
91 = Attended educational institution
92 = Attended domestic duties only
93 = Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods(vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing, tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use
94 = Rentiers, pensioners , remittance recipients, etc.
95 = Not able to work due to disability
97 = Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)
principal_act_nic Usual principal activity - industry code: NIC-2008 5-digit, if principal_act_status = 11 - 51.
principal_act_nco Usual principal activity - occupation code: NCO-2004 3-digit, if principal_act_status = 11 - 51.
subsidiary_act Whether engaged in any work in subsidiary capacity: 1 = Yes, 2 = No.
workplace For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Location of workplace:
Workplace in rural areas and located in:
   10 = Own dwelling unit
   11 = Structure attached to own dwelling unit
  12 = Open area adjacent to own dwelling unit   14 = Own enterprise/unit/office/shop but away from own dwelling
   15 = Employer’s dwelling unit
   16 = Employer’s enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside employer’s dwelling
   17 = Street with fixed location
   18 = Construction site
   19 = Others
Workplace in urban areas and located in:
   20 = Own dwelling unit
   21 = Structure attached to own dwelling unit
   22 = Open area adjacent to own dwelling unit
   23 = Detached structure adjacent to own dwelling unit
   24 = Own enterprise/unit/office/shop but away from own dwelling
   25 = Employer’s dwelling unit
   26 = Employer’s enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside employer’s dwelling
   27 = Street with fixed location
   28 = Construction site
   29 = Others
99 = No fixed workplace
enterprise For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Enterprise type:
   1 = Male
   2 = Female
   3 = With members from same household
   4 = With members from different household
5 = Government/public sector
6 = Public/Private limited company
7 = Co-operative societies/trust/other non profit institutions9 = Others
use_electricity For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Whether the enterprise uses electricity for its production of goods and services: 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 9 = Not known
num_workers For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Number of workers in the enterprise:
1 = Less than 6
2 = 6 & above but less than 10
3 = 10 & above but less than 20
4 = 20 & above
9 = Not known
job_contract For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
Number of workers in the enterprise:
1 = Less than 6
2 = 6 & above but less than 10
3 = 10 & above but less than 20
4 = 20 & above
9 = Not known
elegible_paid_leave For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Whether eligible for paid leave: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
social_security_benefit For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Availability of social security benefits:
Eligible for:
   1 = Only PF/pension(i.e., GPF, CPF, PPF, pension, etc.)
   2 = Only gratuity
   3 = Only health care & maternity benefits
   4 = Only PF/pension and gratuity
   5 = Only PF/pension and health care & maternity benefits
   6 = Only gratuity and health care & maternity benefits
   7 = PF/pension, gratuity, health care & maternity benefits
8 = Not eligible for any of above social security benefits
9 = Not known
payment For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Method of payment:
1 = Regular monthly salary
2 = Regular weekly payment
3 = Daily payment
4 = Piece rate payment
5 = Others
seeking For persons of age 5 years and above
Period of seeking/available for work during last 365 days
Sought/available for:
   1 = Less than 1 month
   2 = 1 month & above but less than 3 months
   3 = Months & above but less than 7 months
   4 = 7 months & above but less than 10 months
   5 = 10 months to 12 months
6 = Did not seek/not available

Usual subsidiary economic activity particulars of household members

level Level = 5
member_id Serial number of household members
age Age in years
subsidiaryl_act_status Usual subsidiary activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   41 = In public works
   51 = In other types of work
subsidiaryl_act_nic Usual subsidiaryprincipal activity - industry code: NIC-2008 5-digit, if principal_act_status = 11 - 51.
subsidiaryl_act_nco Usual subsidiary activity - occupation code: NCO-2004 3-digit, if principal_act_status = 11 - 51.
workplace For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Location of workplace:
Workplace in rural areas and located in:
   10 = Own dwelling unit
   11 = Structure attached to own dwelling unit
  12 = Open area adjacent to own dwelling unit   14 = Own enterprise/unit/office/shop but away from own dwelling
   15 = Employer’s dwelling unit
   16 = Employer’s enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside employer’s dwelling
   17 = Street with fixed location
   18 = Construction site
   19 = Others
Workplace in urban areas and located in:
   20 = Own dwelling unit
   21 = Structure attached to own dwelling unit
   22 = Open area adjacent to own dwelling unit
   23 = Detached structure adjacent to own dwelling unit
   24 = Own enterprise/unit/office/shop but away from own dwelling
   25 = Employer’s dwelling unit
   26 = Employer’s enterprise/unit/office/shop but outside employer’s dwelling
   27 = Street with fixed location
   28 = Construction site
   29 = Others
99 = No fixed workplace
enterprise For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Enterprise type:
   1 = Male
   2 = Female
   3 = With members from same household
   4 = With members from different household
5 = Government/public sector
6 = Public/Private limited company
7 = Co-operative societies/trust/other non profit institutions9 = Others
use_electricity For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Whether the enterprise uses electricity for its production of goods and services: 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 9 = Not known
num_workers For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02- 99 in NIC-2008
Number of workers in the enterprise:
1 = Less than 6
2 = 6 & above but less than 10
3 = 10 & above but less than 20
4 = 20 & above
9 = Not known
job_contract For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
Number of workers in the enterprise:
1 = Less than 6
2 = 6 & above but less than 10
3 = 10 & above but less than 20
4 = 20 & above
9 = Not known
elegible_paid_leave For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Whether eligible for paid leave: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
social_security_benefit For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Availability of social security benefits:
Eligible for:
   1 = Only PF/pension(i.e., GPF, CPF, PPF, pension, etc.)
   2 = Only gratuity
   3 = Only health care & maternity benefits
   4 = Only PF/pension and gratuity
   5 = Only PF/pension and health care & maternity benefits
   6 = Only gratuity and health care & maternity benefits
   7 = PF/pension, gratuity, health care & maternity benefits
8 = Not eligible for any of above social security benefits
9 = Not known
payment For persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02-99 in NIC-2008
For status = 31, 41 & 51
Method of payment:
1 = Regular monthly salary
2 = Regular weekly payment
3 = Daily payment
4 = Piece rate payment
5 = Others

Time disposition during the week

level Level = 6
member_id Serial number of household members
age Age in years
act_id Current day activity - Serial number of activity
day_status Current day activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   51 = In other types of work
41 = Worked as casual wage labour in public works other than NREG works
42 = Worked as casual wage labour in NREG works
Had work in household enterprise(self-employed) but did not work due to:
   61 = Sickness
   62 = Other reasons
Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to:
   71 = Sickness
   72 = Other reasons
81 = Sought work
82 = Did not seek but was available for work
98 = Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)
day_nic Current day activity - Industry code: NIC-2008 5-digit. If status = 11 to 72.
day_operation Current day activity - operation(for rural areas only). If status = 11 to 72.:
Manual work in cultivation:
   1 = Ploughing   3 = Transplanting
   4 = Weeding
   5 = Harvesting
   6 = Other cultivation activities
Manual work in other agricultural activities:
   7 = Forestry
   8 = Plantation
   10 = Animal husbandry
   11 = Fisheries
   12 = Other agricultural activities
13 = Manual work in non-agricultural activities
Non-manual work in:
   14 = Cultivation
   15 = Activities other than cultivation
day_intensity7 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 7th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity6 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 6th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity5 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 5th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity4 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 4th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity3 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 3th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity2 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 2th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_intensity1 Current day activity - intensity of activity - 1th day: full = 1.0, half = 0.5
day_total_days Current day activity - total number of days in each activity(0.0)
day_wage_cash Current day activity - wage and salary earnings in cash(received or receivable) for the work done during the week(Rs), if status = 31, 41, 42, 51, 71, 72
day_wage_kind Current day activity - wage and salary earnings in kind(received or receivable) for the work done during the week(Rs), if status = 31, 41, 42, 51, 71, 72
day_wage_total Current day activity - total wage and salary earnings(received or receivable) for the work done during the week(Rs), if status = 31, 41, 42, 51, 71, 72
day_payment Current day activity - wage and salary earnings - mode of payment, if status = 31, 41, 42, 51, 71, 72
Piece rate in cash:
   1 = Daily
   2 = Weekly
   3 = Fortnightly
   4 = Monthly
   5 = Other
Piece rate in kind:
   6 = Daily
   7 = Weekly
   8 = Fortnightly
   9 = Monthly
   10 = Other
Piece rate in both cash and kind:
   11 = Daily
   12 = Weekly
   13 = Fortnightly
   14 = Monthly
   15 = Other
Other(non-piece) rate in cash:
   16 = Daily
   17 = Weekly
   18 = Fortnightly
   19 = Monthly
   20 = Other
Other(non-piece) rate in kind:
   21 = Daily
   22 = Weekly
   23 = Fortnightly
   24 = Monthly
   25 = Other
Other(non-piece) rate in both cash and kind:
   26 = Daily
   27 = Weekly
   28 = Fortnightly
   29 = Monthly
   30 = Other -30
day_work Number of days with nominal work, for persons with activity status codes = 11-72, total number of days with 1-2 hours of work will be entered
week_status Current weekly activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   51 = In other types of work
41 = Worked as casual wage labour in public works other than NREG works
42 = Worked as casual wage labour in NREG works
Had work in household enterprise(self-employed) but did not work due to:
   61 = Sickness
   62 = Other reasons
Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to:
   71 = Sickness
   72 = Other reasons
81 = Sought work
82 = Did not seek but was available for work
98 = Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)
week_nic Current weekly activity - Industry code: NIC-2008 5-digit. If status = 11 to 72.
week_nco Current weekly activity - Occupation code: NCO-2004 3-digit. If status = 11 to 72.
unemploy Whether unemployed on all the 7 days of the week: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
unemplot_duration If unemployed, duration of present spell of unemployment
1 = Only one week
2 = More than one week to two weeks
3 = More than two weeks to one month
4 = More than one month to two months
5 = More than two months to three months
6 = More than three months to six months
7 = More than six months to twelve months
8 = More than twelve months

Follow-up questions on availability for work, existence of union/association and nature of employment for persons working in the usual principal or subsidiary status

level Level = 7
member_id Serial number of household members
age Age in years
status_principal Usual principal activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   41 = In public works
   51 = In other types of work
81 = Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
91 = Attended educational institution
92 = Attended domestic duties only
93 = Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods(vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed, etc.), sewing, tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use
94 = Rentiers, pensioners , remittance recipients, etc.
95 = Not able to work due to disability
97 = Others (including begging, prostitution, etc.)
status_subsidiary Usual subsidiary activity - status:
Worked in household enterprise(self-employed):
   11 = Own account worker
&ngsp  12 = Employer-12
21 = Worked as helper in household enterprise(unpaid family worker)
31 = Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
Worked as casual wage labour:
   41 = In public works
   51 = In other types of work
full_time Whether engaged mostly in full time or part time work during last 365 days: 1 = Full time, 2 = Part time
regularly Whether worked more or less regularly during last 365 days: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
month_worked Approximate number of months without work(months)
seeking If month_worked ≥ 1, whether sought/available for work during those months
Yes: 1 = On most days, 2 = On some days
3 = No
seeking_effort If seeking = 1 & 2, Whether made any efforts to get work
   1 = Registered only in government employment exchanges
   2 = Registered only in private placement agencies
   3 = Registered in both government employment exchanges and private placement agencies
   4 = Other efforts
5 = No effort
seeking_additional Whether sought/available for additional work during the days he/she had work
Yes: 1 = On most days, 2 = On some days
3 = No
reason_addtional If seeking_additional = 1 or 2, reason for seeking/available for additional work:
1 = To supplement income
2 = Not enough work
3 = Both
9 = Others
seeking_alternative Whether sought/available for alternative work during the days he/she had work
Yes: 1 = On most days, 2 = On some days
3 = No
reason_alternative If seeking_alternative = 1 or 2, reason for seeking/available for additional work:
1 = Present work not remunerative enough
2 = No job satisfaction
3 = Lack of job security
4 = Workplace too far
5 = Wants wage/salary job
9 = Others
union Is there any union/association in your activity?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 9 = Not known
union_member If union = 1, whether a member of union/association: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
permanent Nature of employment: 1 = Permanent, 2 = Temporary

Follow-up questions for persons with usual principal activity status

level Level = 8
member_id Serial number of household members
age Age in years
domestic_duty Were you required to spend most of your time on domestic duties almost throughout the last 365 days?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
reason_domestic_duty If domestic_duty = 1, reason thereof
1 = No other member to carry out the domestic duties
2 = Cannot afford hired help
3 = For social and/or religious constraints
reason_still_pursing If domestic_duty = 2, reason for still pursuing domestic duties
1 = Non-availability of work
2 = Preference
9 = Others
kitchen_garden Maintenance of kitchen gardens, orchards, etc.?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
pultry Work in household poultry, dairy, etc.?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
collection_food Free collection of fish, small game, wild fruits, vegetables, etc. for household consumption?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
collect_fuel Free collection of firewood, cow-dung, cattle feed, etc. for household consumption?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
paddy Husking of paddy for household consumption?
   1 = Commodities produced in own farm/free collection
   2 = Commodities acquired otherwise
3 = No
grain Grinding of foodgrains for household consumption?
   1 = Commodities produced in own farm/free collection
   2 = Commodities acquired otherwise
3 = No
gur Preparation of gur for household consumption?
   1 = Commodities produced in own farm/free collection
   2 = Commodities acquired otherwise
3 = No
meat Preservation of meat and fish for household consumption?
   1 = Commodities produced in own farm/free collection
   2 = Commodities acquired otherwise
3 = No
basket Making baskets and mats for household use?
   1 = Commodities produced in own farm/free collection
   2 = Commodities acquired otherwise
3 = No
cowdung Preparation of cow-dung cake for use as fuel in the household?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
sewing Sewing, tailoring, weaving, etc. for household use?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
tutor Tutoring of own children or others' children free of charge?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
water Bringing water from outside the household premises?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
water_outside_village For rural area only: bringing water from outside the village?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
water_distance For rural area only: distance in kilomet, if water_outside_village = 1.
willing_to_work In spite of your pre-occupation in domestic duties, are you willing to accept work if work is made available at your household?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
nature_work If willing_to_work = 1, the nature of work acceptable:
1 = Regular full time
2 = Regular part-time
3 = Occasional full time
4 = Occasional part-time
type_work If willing_to_work = 1, type of work acceptable:
1 = Dairy
2 = Poultry
3 = Other animal husbandry
4 = Food processing
5 = Spinning and weaving
6 = Manufacturing wood and cane products
7 = Tailoring
8 = Leather goods manufacturing
9 = Others
have_skill Do you have any skill/experience to undertake that work?: 1 = Yes, 2 = No
assistance What assistance do you require to undertake that work?
1 = No assistance
   2 = Initial finance on easy terms
   2 = Working finance facilities
   4 = Easy availability of raw materials
   5 = Assured market
   6 = Training

Household consumption expenditure

level Level = 9
code Coomodity code
val30 Value of consumption expenditure in last 30 days
val365 Value of consumption expenditure in last 365 days