Kaneko and Pettwayfs Japanese IPO Database



This database, collected by Professors Takashi Kaneko and Richard H. Pettway for a long time, is now released for further development of IPO research.  Please do not use it without referring to the source: Kaneko and Pettwayfs Japanese IPO Database (KP-JIPO).


n IPO Methods in Japan


n Summary Table and Figure of Book-built IPOs


n Excel Data Set of Auctioned IPOs (under construction to be released)


n Excel Data Set of Book-built IPOs (Ver 1.3) (Please save the file before open it.)


n Data Sources


This page is linked to: Jay Ritterfs IPO Data.


Contact Information:

Takashi Kaneko (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)

Richard H. Pettway (University of Florida, USA)


Kaneko would like to thank Naoshi Ikeda and Toshiko Takagi for their assistance.  This research has been supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. 2133079) and Keio University / Kyoto University Joint Global COE Program (Title: Raising Market Quality-Integrated Design of gMarket Infrastructureh).


First appeared on 2010/10/01

Last updated on 2010/10/28

©2010 Takashi Kaneko and Richard H. Pettway, all rights reserved.