
US data
Current Population Survey
Monthly household data

US Governmental data:
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labour
Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce
Census Bureau

County/ZIP-code Business Patterns
County and Zip-code level industry data: establishment counts, size distribution, employment

Japanese data
Keio Household Panel Survey/ Japanese Household Panel Survey (English/Japanese)
KHPS together with JHPS provide the panel data of households includijng variables on household consumption, financial portofolio, real-estate ownership, and individuals' demographic attributes

Panel Data for Entrant Firms (Japanese)

Public use files of Japanese labor and housing surveys (Japanese)
Various surveys on labor and housing are available for researchers upon application to the Hitotsubashi Economic Institute

National Statistics Center (English/Japanese)

Industry-area data

Land and property information in Japan (English/Japanese)

Address matching (Japanese)
This site allows you to match Japanese addresses (in Japanese) into longitude and latitude