タカハシ ヒロシ 高 橋 弘 教 授
〔著書〕 1.『ファイナンスを読みとく数学』(共著,培風館,2019) 2.『中学校・高等学校数学科 授業力をはぐくむ教育実習』(共著,東京学芸大学出版会,2018) 〔論文〕 3.“Interval estimations for Euler-Maruyama approximate solutions of stochastic differential equations with multiple delays” (共著), Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A2, 2019. 4.“Recurrence and transience properties of multi-dimensional diffusion processes in selfsimilar and semi-selfsimilar random environments” (共著), Electronic Communications in Probability, 22, paper no. 4, 11 pp., 2017. 5.“Approximation of solutions of multi-dimensional linear stochastic differential equations defined by weakly dependent random variables” (共著), AIMS Mathematics, 2(3) pp. 377-384, 2017. 6.“Approximation of optimal prices when basic data are weakly dependent” (共著), Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Ser. B Math. Anal. 23(3) pp. 217-230, 2017. 7.“Parameter estimated standardized U-statistics by absolutely regular sequences” (共著) Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Ser. A Math. Anal. 23(3) pp. 217-230,2017. 8.“Recurrence of the Brownian motion in multidimensional semi-selfsimilar environments and Gaussian environments” (共著), Potential Analysis 43, pp. 695-705, 2016. 9.“Asymptotic behavior of solutions of some difference equations defined by weakly dependent random vectors” (共著), Stochastic Analysis and Applications 33, pp. 740-755, 2015. 10.“Confidence intervals for Euler-Maruyama approximate solutions of stochastic delay equations”, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan 63, pp. 127-132, 2015. 所属学会・団体: 日本数学会 |