画像 デサンモーリス グレッグ
デサンモーリス グレッグ  准教授

  • 学歴(卒業・学位取得):
    • Colby College 2000年卒業
    • University of Oxford, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology 2009年MSc修士
    • University of Pittsburgh, Department and Cultural of Anthropology 2015年PhD
    • American University School of International \\Service, MA 2008
    • 立命館大学大学院国際関係研究科,2008年修士
  • E-mail:greg@keio.jp
  • 担当科目:英語,総合教育、関連課題研究
  • 専門領域:人類学,フード・スタディーズ,ジャパニーズ・スタディーズ,グローバル化,地域ブランド、質的研究
 1.de St. Maurice, G. The Local and the National in Japan’s Documentary Food Show \\Kuishinb\UTF{014D}! Banzai. In Food in Memory and Imagination: Space, Place, and Time, edited by Beth Forrest and Greg de St. Maurice. 2022.
 2.de St. Maurice, G. Promoting Agrobiodiversity Maintenance via Social Media in Japan. Supporting Sustainable Food Systems: Quality Food and Ethical Consumption, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics Conference 2020, 3-16 December, Kyoto University, 148-153. 2020.
 3.de St. Maurice, G. Transmitting Taste across Borders and Generations: The Japanese Culinary Academy’s Mission. Making Taste Public, edited by Carole Counihan and Susanne Højlund. Bloomsbury. 2018.
 4.de St. Maurice, G. Sensing Bodies at the Center in Traditional Japanese Kitchens. Japanese Studies. Vol. 38, No. 1. 2018.
 5.de St. Maurice, G. Savoring the Kyoto Brand. In Devouring Japan, edited by Nancy Stalker. Oxford University Press. 2018
 6.de St. Maurice, G. Kyoto Cuisine Gone Global. Gastronomica. Vol. 17, No. 3. 2017.
 7.de St. Maurice, G. Everything but the Taste: Celebrating Kyoto’s Shishigatani Squash as Culinary Heritage. Food, Culture, and Society. Vol. 20, No. 2. 2017.
 8.de St. Maurice, G. and T. Miller. Less Palatable, Still Valuable: Taste, Crop Agrobiodiversity, and Culinary Heritage. Food, Culture, and Society. Vol. 20, No. 2. 2017.
 9.de St. Maurice, G. Edible Authenticities: Heirloom Vegetables and Culinary Heritage in Kyoto, Japan. In Edible Identities, edited by Ronda Brulotte and Michael DiGiovine. Ashgate. 2014.
 10.de St. Maurice, G. The Movement to Reinvigorate Local Food Culture in Kyoto, Japan. In Food Activism: Agency, Democracy, and Economy, edited by Carole Counihan and Valeria Siniscalchi. Bloomsbury. 2013.
 American Anthropological Association, Association for the Study of Food and Society