Regge Life, Film Creater

Ÿ "Spin things-look in to things from many directions"
                Regge Life is a film maker that focuses in views inside Japan.  
           For him, Creativity is the most important aspect in film making.  
           His work go back to theater and then to film making for a wider view of 
           expression.  He has done two films so far, "Struggle and Success" and 
           "Doubles", both documentary movies which were shown in Japan and the US.  
           This two movies are based and set in the Japanese society.  This is because
           Regge Life had an interest in Japan an its movies.  He came to Japan in 1989 
           after a proposal to see a Japanese movie from the makings to the end.  
           He was with the crew of the famous Japanese movie series 
           "Otoko wa Tsuraiyo"  directed by Yamada Youji.
                      This was an experience which was different from what was 
           imagined and brought the aspect of looking towards things in a different 
           view, to re-create. 

                       When he started to work in Japan to shot his films, he noticed 
           the gap between the different cultures and their working style. In the US 
           there seem to be some limitations because what was expected by others was 
           different from what one wanted to make.  So everything was re-inventing or 
           repeating what was done before.  But in Japan it was different, because 
           film making was finding a way to do things.  Working in Japan meant there 
           was a Japanese way of making a film, and Regge Life had to be creative in 
           doing so.  He had a Japanese staff that really worked speedy.  
           "Time is money" and that is the way the Japanese staff worked, did not 
           waste time nor film.  He got used to this but still there was the language 
           problem.  The cameraman talked in Japanese (Kagoshima dialect), on the other 
           hand Regge Life spoke in English.  At first an interpreter was between them, 
           but that made the work slow.  With time the two members found a way to 
           communicate without the interpreter.  This was a language which was a mixture 
           of Kagoshima dialect Japanese and English.  This is what made the work done 
           and in a faster pace than before.

                         The creativity of Regge Life can be seen as a result in his 
           films.  We had the opportunity to see some scenes the documentary film "Doubles".  
           The film's content deals with people with mixed races, mostly  half-Japanese.  
           In Japan this people are called "Half" because they only have one half of the 
           normal.  But the title of this film portrays the opposite and the film itself 
           illustrates the feelings of those who are called "Half".  Some chose sides and 
           hate one side because of going through tough experiences in social life.  
           But some just admit what they are and see the advantages of being different.  
           This kind of people love both sides of it and try to explain their own 
           difference seeking for understanding and respect from other.  
           They state themselves as doubles because they have the opportunity to experience 
           twice as much than others.  
           This is what Regge Life saw in them and titled the film "Doubles".

                           The advice Regge Life gave us in order to be creative or to get 
           ideas was to spin things.  He did not like the term "spin" but he meant to look 
           in to things from many directions.  The example he gave was the Japanese tea 
           ceremony, before you drink the tea you see the teacup and  observe it from the 
           bottom and then rotate it so you notice every detail of the cup.  
           This is knowing everything about the "thing" (good or bad) and expressing it by 
           being creative and doing a better job.

Written and edited by Kenjiro Tsujino,
based on Mr.Regge Life's lecture on June 4, 1998

Ÿ Hiroshi Mikitani Ÿ Terrie Lloyd Ÿ Graham Harris

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Ÿ This page was written by Kenjiro Tsujino, Gina Pei-Chun Liao and designed by Kaoru Tanaka for Prof.Tobin's "Change & Creativity" seminar.
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