" Interview with Kaz Fuijita 2"

                 Gina and I have made an interview to Mr. Kaz Fujita on June 25,1998.  
            The first thing we have asked him was what he was like during his childhood.  
            He has told us that he didn't want to study, didn't care what he got for 
            his report card, and whether or not he was passing the test, it didn't really 
            matter.  When he was 18 years old, he started working.  He has worked for 
            farming, big companies, stocks at supermarkets, bartender, and so on.  
            He said that he has learned a lot bartending for a year than studying at the 
            college for 5 years!!!! This has surprised me, because I have never thought 
            bartending would be worth doing for a year than going to school for 5 years. 
            He got to know people, learn different perspectives of different people, and 
            most importantly, he learned about life.  However, he has told us that if you 
            had any chance on bartending, yo should bartend in America, not in Japane. 
            We also asked him where he learned his Japanese, he said he learned it in the 
            night clubs in Japan.  I thought that was a creative way of learning the 
            Japanese language!!!

                        He told us three examples of creative experiences, human experiences, 
            he had.  The first experience he had was during his college life at California 
            Institute when he majored in advertising and design.  He took a design class 
            which was a tough teacher.  This teacher gives out homework every week on Monday, 
            which is due on the next Monday.  So all of the students taking this class would 
            make a design and bring it into class.  When everyone brings the picture to class, 
            the teacher will look around and see if there are any designs that looks like they 
            didn't take so much time into it.  If it happens to be a homework that has no 
            effort and time into it, he would simply burn it!!  He would burn it without even 
            explaining why he burned it, because the student didn't take a lot of time and 
            effort on there work so why should I take the time explaining it? That was the 
            concept that the teacher had. The teacher would simply choose the best design and 
            talk about it for the while class, which lasts an hour and a half.  Kaz's design 
            was never chosen to talk to during class.  It was always burned.  So one day, Kaz 
            has taken a full week to work on his design.  He has worked day and night for the 
            whole week, but without consciousness.  His conscious mind has gone to sleep, and 
            his sub-consciousness, which is the heart, spirit, sole, has come out of him and 
            he became great!!!  He didn't notice he was doing it.  He just did it in his 
            sub-conscious mind.  Just like this. "Do without doing."-from the book, 
            The Tao of Pooh. And it came out to be the best design of the whole class and 
            the teacher had talked about the design Kaz has made.  The teacher even kept it 
            since it was so good!!!! That's when he notices that this is where you get the 
            best ideas and creativity.

                           The second experience he had was when he first worked for a 
            Japanese company in marketing.  It was a candy company.  35 years ago, this 
            company has failed five times on selling a chocolate bar.  Each costing 500 
            million yen.  Therefore, this company has lost 2500 million yens in all.  
            The company came up to Kaz and asked for some help so the company can become 
            successful with this sales on the chocolate bar that they have made.  Therefore, 
            Kaz and his teammates have made research, product concepts, product designs, 
            sales projection, and advertisements.  This happened to happen in 1962.  
            Once the whole concept was made, he has made the presentation to the President 
            of the company on the product.  The company has asked him what would happen if 
            this project has failed?  Then, Kaz has answered, "take the risk." 
            because not a lot of Japanese people like to take the responsibility.  
            Then, Kaz has asked them, "What if it succeeds? We would like to have 2% profit 
            if it succeeds." (usually, you get  7% profit if it succeeds.  That's how they 
            made the deal.  It turned out to be successful!!!

                            The third experience he had was one of the neck tie companies.
            This company wasn't making profit on selling the neck ties they have made.
                            One day, Kaz read a newspaper article, about where the neck 
            ties first came from.  It said that it was usually for the people who go to 
            the war, wishing them to come back safely. The wives give their husbands a 
            scarf to them and wish them luck with the war. The shape of the tie has 
            changed to what we have today. Therefore, Kaz has given out the idea, why 
            don't we put a charm on the tie instead of the cartoon characters, and sell 
            it out? Since the tie itself means"Luck and coming back home safely", this 
            should be a product that everyone would buy!!  This solution has become 
            successful for this company. Everyone has seen this article on the
            "origins of a neck tie", but Kaz has taken it a step further.

                             The key points are that 1) the idea and the concepts have 
            to be a solution, 2) you have to help your client to help their business, 
            and 3) people buy solutions, not the product.  This is what creativity is 
            all about.

                              There are four parts to a basic creative process.  
            The first stage is the process of a childhood. When you are little, and 
            when you get a candy from your mom, say, but there is another girl who 
            wants that candy, you just give it away. This is because you just wanted 
            to do it, and there is absolutely no reason to it.  You just do it.  
            The second stage is the stage where 
            "I do something for you but you do something for me."  Creating the 
            feeling of wanting the favor back.  The third stage is where you have to 
            do it because you are paid to do so.  You do it for your own duty.  
            Last but not least, the fourth stage is the stage where you do it 
            because you really love doing it.  It pays you back, and at the same 
            time, the work and the service you have gets a lot more better.  
            Therefore, the first stage and the fourth stage are the same creative 
            process of life itself.  The most important part of all are the first 
            and the fourth process.

                               However, eventhough you try to go into the process of 
            creativity, the box that each and every person has doesn't let you do so.

                               Each and every person has their own box.  Boxes are 
            created because it is comfortable, relaxing, and are easy to control.  
            Boxes also wants rules, orders, and answers.  Boxes are egos inside of 
            you, and the ego does not let you use your heart.  Having a box means 
            that it is the brain that is making you do this or that, it is not the 
            heart that's making you do it.  Creativity is nothing but the process. 
            Once you become the process, you are out of your box.  
            How do you become creative?  Well, here's the answer.  
            Empty your mind, think about what you have right now and just throw 
            it away!!!!  Become a "shirouto", or in Englsih, an amateur.  
            Not the professional.  Listen to everyone, and pay attention to 
            everything.  To be creative, you must become another person's point 
            of view.  You need intuition to become creative.

                                On the T-shirt that Kaz wore today, it said, 
            "YOUR RULES DO NOT APPLY HERE."  This is exactly what we need to 
            understand.  We have to learn how to have nature freedom, how to give 
            love and passion (or we have to learn how to care about things), and 
            how to not be ashamed of ourselves.  We have to learn to give love 
            because we won't receive love if we try to get love, 
            (if we try to receive love, it will just run away!!) but if we try to 
            give love, we will get it back.  Love builds inside of you by trying 
            to give it out.  Just like money.  If we give money, we will get it 
            back in return, but if we try to get money, you never get them back.  
            Also, we can not be shamed of ourselves because the dummest question 
            we have are actually the most creative ideas we have.

Written by Eriko Miyamoto
based on the her portfolio project of 1998

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Ÿ This page was written by Kenjiro Tsujino, Gina Pei-Chun Liao and designed by Kaoru Tanaka for Prof.Tobin's "Change & Creativity" seminar.
Please write to Prof.Tobin if you have any questions or comments rtbn@gol.com
Please write to Kaoru Tanaka if you have anything about this homepage kaorutnk@maroon.plala.or.jp